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Posts tagged “Solicitors in Preston”

A wooden gavel, resting on a gavel pad, on a wooden table | Our Auction Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss buying property at auction in this helpful auction property guide.

A Local Conveyancing Solicitor's Guide to Buying a Property at Auction 

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Paper cut outs of families, shown on diffferent paper houses, representing different types of families | Our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss Wills and cohabitees, and why thiese are important.

Future Planning: Why Cohabitees Should Prioritise Wills 

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A wooden jigsaw with a wooden house on one side, and wooden blocks spelling the word "price" on the other side, balancing against each other | Our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss Land Registry fee charges being introduced in 2024.

New Land Registry Charges Being Introduced in December 2024 

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A piece of paper with a person's face shape cut out, covered in rocks; our wills and LPAs solicitors discuss the increase in dementia sufferers.

The Increase in Dementia Sufferers, and Why It Is Imperative to Have a Lasting Power of Attorney 

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A laptop, notepad and pen with a cup of coffee on a desk; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss the 7 year inheritance tax rule and things to watch out for.

What is the seven year inheritance tax rule? 

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"Power of Attorney" written on an envelope with a pen resting on top; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Preston discuss future use of LPAs.

Can I use my LPA in the future? 

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A black, small safe; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss safe storage of your Will after signature of the final document.

Can A Solicitor Store My Last Will And Testament? 

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A person using a grey calculator to calculate a sum; our Probate Solicitors in Lancaster discuss estate expenses, and what can be claimed in an estate.

What Expenses Can an Executor of an Estate Claim? 

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An older person smiling into the camera and holding a cup of tea; our Deputyship Solicitors in Preston discuss Deputyship Orders, what they are, and when they can be needed.

What is a Deputyship Order and when will it be required? 

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A pile of money, including a £5 note, a £1 coin, a 50p piece, a 20p piece, and a 1p piece; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss Money Laundering in the world of Conveyancing and the checks we carry out to assist with preventing this.

What Money Laundering checks do Conveyancers carry out? 

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A couple, holding a plastic house model in their hands; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Lytham discuss property ownership when two or more people are buying a house.

Transferring your Property into Joint Names: Cohabitation and Joint Property Ownership 

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Paper cut-outs of people on different houses, representing different families and dynamics within those; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss making a Will and including substitute provisions and why this is important.

The right fall-back provisions to include in your Will 

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A yellow pen resting on a blue background; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss how to sign a Will correctly to ensure it's legal.

How to Sign your Will Correctly 

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Three front doors, side by side, one red, one light blue, and one dark blue; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss shared ownership properties.

What are Shared Ownership Properties? 

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A derelict stone house in the countryside, with a stone wall and trees, set against a background of hills; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss inheriting property in a Will and the sale of property inherited.

Can I Sell An Inherited Property? 

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A sihloutte of an elderly couple walking, one with a cane, and the other holding an umbrella; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss Will arrangements for Stepchildren.

Can I inherit my step-parent’s estate? 

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Two white cats, with a grey poodle-type dog, and a corgi, all sat together; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss gifts in Wills to charity, such as the RSPCA.

Gifts to Charity in Wills: Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Preston 

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A younger person reading through a document with an older person, with the older person getting ready to sign; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Preston discuss the role of a Certificate Provider in LPAs.

Understanding the Role of a Certificate Provider in Lasting Powers of Attorney 

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"Power of Attorney" written on a piece of paper, with a pencil pointing to it; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Preston discuss how many attorneys you can appoint when making LPAs.

How Many Attorneys Can I Appoint In My Lasting Power Of Attorney? 

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A calculator, and some miscellaneous calculations written on paper; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss Probate property insurance and why it's required.

Do I Need To Insure My Deceased Parent’s Home? 

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A bunch of forget-me-not flowers, the symbol of dementia; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss Dementia Action Week 2024.

Dementia Action Week 2024 

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The Law Society Conveyancing Quality Scheme Accreditation Logo; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss the new changes to the protocol forms under the CQS scheme.

New Updates to the Conveyancing 'Protocol' Forms, and how these changes will affect your property sale! 

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A large tree, with roots and branches spreading across the woods; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss Tree Preservation Orders and their importance in property purchases.

Understanding Tree Preservation Orders and Their Importance in Property Purchases 

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A piece of rope with 5 locks of varying sizes secured on; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss restrictive and positive covenants, how they are different, and why they could matter to you.

Understanding Positive and Restrictive Covenants in Conveyancing 

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A calendar showing a date circled in red, being 25th; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss property completion dates in the world of sales and purchases.

Things To Consider When Agreeing A Completion Date For A Property Transaction 

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"Estate Planning" written on a notepad, in bold, black lettering; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss charitable gift-giving in Wills and how this can be used for estate planning.

Do I have to leave a charitable donation in my Will? 

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A person holding a child on their lap, with a hand-drawn heart drawing in their hands; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss the importance of a Will.

Why is it important to have a Will? 

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A couple with their hands placed over each other; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss making a Will and how to help prevent it being contested.

How do I prevent my Will from being contested? 

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"Registration" written on a blue, neon sign; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss original property deeds and the storage of these following digital registration.

Do I need to keep my property Deeds? 

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"Last Will and Testament" typed on a type-writer; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss who you can and should consider appointing as your executors in your Will.

Who should you appoint as executor of your Will? 

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A person with dark hair, wearing gold earrings, staring at a piggy bank, which is orange and has blue flowers on; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss Probate distribution timescales.

How soon after Probate is granted can an estate be distributed? 

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A big red question mark against a white background; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston answer common legal questions they receive when acting in the sale of property.

Common Legal Questions: Selling a Property 

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"Make a Will" written on a notebook, with a pen to the side, next to a potted cactus; our Wills Solicitors in Preston discuss when a Will becomes a public document.

Is my Will private, and should I give anyone else a copy? 

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Part of a contract, with a signature at the bottom, and two people shaking hands to agree the terms; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss exchange of contracts and completion in Conveyancing.

What are Exchange and Completion in the Conveyancing Process? 

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What is a leasehold property? 

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A couple, one wearing a blue shirt and one wearing a yellow jumper; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Preston discuss spouses and LPAs.

Do spouses automatically have power of attorney? 

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Paper cut outs of people on paper house cut outs; our Probate Solicitors in Preston are able to assist with estate administration.

What is an Inheritance Act Claim? 

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The roof of a house, with the wooden beams, and without the completed roof materials in place; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss new build properties, and the pros and cons of purchasing a new home.

New Build Properties: What are the pros and cons of buying a new house? 

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A stamp in red ink saying "Certified"; our Solicitors in Preston discuss the costs of certification.

Where can I get documents certified? 

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Solar panels on the roof of a house; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss six things to consider when buying property with solar panels.

Six things to consider when buying a property with solar panels 

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"Conveyancer" in scrabble tiles; our

What are adopted and unadopted roads in Conveyancing? 

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"Power of Attorney" written on the top of a legal document, with a pencil pointing to the title; our Lasting Power of Attorney solicitors in Preston discuss LPAs and who signs the final documents.

Who Signs A Lasting Power Of Attorney? 

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'Caveat Emptor'; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss buyer beware and how this can impact your Conveyancing matter.

‘Buyer Beware!’ 

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The word 'Lost' typed out hundreds of times to form the word 'Found'; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss a missing Will, and how you can locate one after your loved one has died.

Why it is important to find a missing Will when your loved one has died 

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A small cut out house, with a for sale tag tied on; our Conveyancing Solicitors in Preston discuss different methods of selling property and which one may be suited to you.

Choosing the Best Method to Sell Your Property: Auction, Open Market, and Private Sales 

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"Power of Attorney" document with a pencil pointing to the title; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Preston discuss storage of LPAs and how to get a copy.

Where should I store my Lasting Powers of Attorney, and How do I obtain a copy LPA if the original is lost? 

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Paper cut-outs of people, placed on top of cut outs of different houses; our Probate Solicitors in Preston discuss the intestacy rules and how we can assist with your loved one's estate.

How will my estate pass if I do not have a Will? 

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A person working at a dual computer screen desk, with a business phone, stationary, paperwork and a coffee mug; our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors discuss Business LPAs and why they are useful.

Do I need Lasting Powers of Attorney for my Business? 

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