MG Legal, Nationwide Food Allergy Solicitors. The team that put you first. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation: 01772 783314 or email at:
Suffered a food allergy reaction, in the last 3 years? Call 01772 783314 Or, fill in your details and our food allergy solicitors will contact you within one working hour.
No Win No Fee Food Allergy Claims.
If you have a food allergy, you will be all too aware of the implications if a restaurant, shop, or supermarket fails to correctly label their food produce.
Here at MG Legal, our food allergy solicitors accept food allergy claims, on a NO WIN NO FEE basis, and have a success rate of over 99%.
When you work with MG Legal's food allergy claim solicitors, you get:

Free, no-obligation consultation with a specialist solicitor

The maximum financial compensation in your food allergy claim

A no win no fee solicitor specialising in food allergy compensation
Our straight-forward no win no fee allergy claims process:

Free, no obligation consultation
MG Legal's specialist solicitors offer a free, no obligation consultation to all potential clients.

Start your no win no fee claim
We accept all claims on a no win no fee basis, and will begin building your claim the same day.

Hassle-free claims process
Your designated solicitor will be in regular contact, and keep you updated throughout the claims process.
Select your allergy type below to find out how our No Win No Fee Solicitors can help:
99% Success Rate on MG Legal's injury compensation claims:
Here at MG Legal, our no win no fee solicitors have a success rate of over 99%, in settling the injury compensation claims we have accepted. Our claims are conducted on a no win, no fee basis, meaning that it won't cost you a penny for your claim. If you are successful, our no win no fee solicitors simply deduct 20% off your damages, meaning that you don't have to fund your claim up front. Our clients leave glowing feedback, and we often become clients' solicitor of choice after dealing with their no win no fee claim.
Anybody who suffers from a food allergy, no matter how severe the allergy is, knows how nervous and distressing it can be to eat out, or to buy pre-packaged food from an establishment. It is thought that 44% of the adult population has at least one allergy, making food allergies far from rare. However, for some, their allergies can make eating out distressing, despite the fact that establishments have a legal requirement to declare any allergens in their food and dishes.
This strict legislation is in place to protect those who suffer from food allergies, but it does not eliminate the high cases of food allergic reactions, and food allergy claims that our solicitors see.
No matter what type of allergy you have, if you have suffered from an allergic reaction due to undeclared allergens or ingredients in a food product, regardless of the type of establishment you purchased the food from, you could be eligible to make a no win no fee food allergy claim with our specialist solicitors today.
If you have lost a loved one due to a food allergy, and the reaction was caused by the negligence of somebody else, then you could also be eligible to claim food allergy compensation on their behalf. To speak to our team of friendly, reliable food allergy solicitors, simply contact us online here. Our solicitors accept food allergy and food poisoning claims on a no win no fee basis.
If the establishment that sold the food has failed to advise of the ingredients, and you have suffered an allergic reaction, then you may have a claim for NO WIN NO FEE personal injury compensation. At MG Legal, we have a team of solicitors that specialise in NO WIN NO FEE food allergy compensation claims, and we are here to help, as soon as you make contact with us.
As with all personal injury claims, the onus is on the Claimant to prove that they were injured, in this instance, that they suffered a reaction as a result of the food they were eating. Evidence is therefore key, and one of the first things our solicitors specialising in food allergy compensation claims will ask you is, did you keep hold of the receipt for your meal, or do you have any proof that the food supplied by the particular restaurant, takeaway or shop, caused you to have an allergic reaction. If someone else has purchased the meal on your behalf, such as a family member, ask them to provide you with the receipt. In order to evidence your claim for personal injury, you, or a friend or family member, should advise the establishment that sold you the food, of your reaction, so that the incident is recorded in their accident book.
If you want to make a claim for personal injury compensation arising out of a food allergy, contact our expert team of injury compensation solicitors at your local office to find out how we can help. You must be told about potential allergenic ingredients in food that is being sold to you. If you have made sure that the establishment is aware of your allergies, but the food that has been served to you contained an allergen or was contaminated, then – on the surface – something has gone wrong, and you could be entitled to claim compensation for injuries that you suffer as a result.
Start your allergy compensation claim today
No Win, No Fee allergy compensation claim specialists, assisting across England and Wales.

No Win, No Fee

No financial risk

99% success rate
This is a question that our personal injury solicitors are asked every time we accept a new NO WIN NO FEE claim for food allergy compensation. Every case is different, and the final amount of compensation you are awarded will be based on the severity of the injury and the affect the injury has had on your life.
For example, in cases of minor injuries, such as where a client suffers an allergic reaction, but recover with the use of an EpiPen, then the claim not be valued the same as an injured client who has had to stay in hospital or suffered lost earnings as a result of their allergic reaction to food. If you are injured as a result of an allergy to food, and require long-term care, rehabilitation and any necessary house adaptations to maximise the chance of recovery and independent living, MG Legal’s solicitors specialising in NO WIN NO FEE food allergy compensation claims will ensure that when your claim for compensation is successful, that we will recover all of your out of pocket expenses, and ensure that any future losses you may suffer, such as medical expenses, long-term care, or lost earnings, are claimed for.
Whilst every single claim for personal injury compensation is different to the one before it, our personal injury specialists will always make you one promise- that if your claim is successful, we will ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible, and we will not advise you to settle, until we are happy with the compensation you are being offered.
"Disabling pain, and cramps, continuing for some days or weeks - up to £3,710 for injury alone."
"Severe toxicosis, incontinence, haemorrhoids, and IBS - up to £49,000 for injury alone."
"Serious and permanent damage to kidneys - between £158,970 and £197,480."
The compensatory awards given below, relate to the damages those who have suffered an injury due to a successful food allergy compensation claim, would receive for their injuries. Any damages for lost earnings, or medical treatment, would be added to the sum for personal injury compensation:
Varying degrees of disabling pain, and cramps, continuing for some days or weeks- the bracket for food allergy compensation is up to £3,710, for the injury alone.
Severe toxicosis causing serious, acute pain, requiring hospital admission for days or weeks, and some continuing incontinence, haemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome, having a significant impact on your home life, and work. The bracket for food allergy compensation is up to £49,000, for the injury alone.
Serious and permanent damage to or loss of both kidneys: with the 10% uplift, damages for this injury resulting from a food allergy claim would be between £158,970 and £197,480.
Allergy FAQs
A food allergy is when your body’s immune system reacts to a food protein because it has mistaken that food protein as a threat. Symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening.
Symptoms usually start as soon as a few minutes after eating a food and as long as two hours after. In some cases, after the first symptoms go away, a second wave of symptoms comes back one to four hours later (or sometimes even longer). This second wave is called a biphasic reaction.
In the UK, it is estimated that 1-2% of adults and 5-8% of children have a food allergy. This equates to around 2 million people living in the UK with a food allergy and this figure does not include those with food intolerances.
It's the responsibility of the restaurant to provide allergen information. Food businesses across Europe are required by the law to inform customers if the food they serve contains ingredients known to trigger allergic reactions.
Yes, if you have suffered an allergic reaction after eating food at a restaurant because they neglected to inform you of certain allergens contained in their foods, you could be entitled to financial compensation through a food allergy compensation claim. Contact us here to speak to a specialist food allergy solicitor.
Local authorities enforce allergen information regulations. Failure to comply can result in action from the local authority.
Yes, Pre-packed food must have an ingredients list. Allergenic ingredients must be emphasised in some way every time they appear in the ingredients list.
Yes, if you have suffered from an allergic reaction due to undeclared allergens or ingredients in a food product Contact us here as you could be entitled to financial compensation through a food allergy compensation claim.
The Food Standards Agency work closely with local authorities, the food industry and consumer organisations to make sure consumers are aware of missing or incorrect allergen information on food products. They issue a food alerts service so that you can make safe food choices. You can sign up to allergy alerts to receive a free email or text message each time they issue a recall specific to your food allergy. This will include information about what to do if you have bought the product that is being recalled.
The terms anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock are often used to mean the same thing. They both refer to a severe allergic reaction. Shock is when your blood pressure drops so low that your cells (and organs) don't get enough oxygen. Anaphylactic shock is very serious injury and classed as a medical emergency. Without quick treatment, anaphylactic shock it can be life threatening. MG Legal’s solicitors specialising in claiming compensation for victims of anaphylactic shock, accept all food allergy claims for compensation on a NO WIN NO FEE basis, and are here to help if you need any advice or assistance about making a NO WIN NO FEE food allergy compensation claim.
If the food that is being sold is pre-packaged, there are rules about how the ingredients should be labelled, as well as the language and font to be used, so the labels are clear and not misleading to consumers. The overall goal of Natasha's Law is to minimise the number of personal injuries suffered, as a result of the failure to label ingredients.
If you are unsure whether you are eligible to make a food allergy claim for your injuries using Natasha's Law, simply get in touch with our specialist food allergy solicitors online here, and speak to a solicitor within one working hour.
Start your allergy compensation claim today
No Win, No Fee allergy compensation claim specialists, assisting across England and Wales.

No Win, No Fee

No financial risk

99% success rate
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 outlines that any food produced or sold should be prepared with care and be of a reasonable quality. This means if you get food poisoning from purchased food in a restaurant, supermarket or elsewhere selling food, you can make a personal injury claim for any pain or suffering caused.
As of 1st October 2021, food businesses are now legally required to provide a full list of all ingredients and allergens on their pre-packaged food items.
This comes under a new legislation known as Natasha’s Law, which is explained in full below.
What is Natasha’s Law?
The new legislation amendment relating to the labelling of food products was introduced as a result of lobbying from a group led by the parents and family of teenager Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, who tragically passed away after she suffered an allergic reaction to an undeclared ingredient on a pre-packaged food item.
The new legislation requires all food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods prepared and packaged on the same premise they are sold. This will stand for all pre-packaged food items, even those that have been made on the premises earlier the same working day.
Our food allergy solicitors hope that this amendment will mean stronger laws being enforced, and that it will offer more protection for those with food allergies. It will also give these people with serious food allergies more confidence, and more freedom to buy pre-packaged food without worrying about undeclared allergens and ingredients.
Advice from our Allergy Compensation Claim Solicitors
Whilst every one of us is different, and may suffer a different reaction as a result of a food allergy, the symptoms of a food allergy almost always develop a few seconds or minutes after eating the food.
Some people may develop a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), which can be life threatening.
The most common type of allergic reaction to food is known as an IgE-mediated food allergy.
Symptoms include:
tingling or itching in the mouth
a raised, itchy red rash (hives) – in some cases, the skin can turn red and itchy, but without a raised rash
swelling of the face, mouth (angioedema), throat or other areas of the body
difficulty swallowing
wheezing or shortness of breath
nasal congestion
feeling dizzy and lightheaded
feeling sick (nausea) or vomiting
stomach cramps, abdominal pain or diarrhoea
hay fever-like symptoms, such as sneezing or itchy eyes (allergic conjunctivitis)
The Food Standards Agency set out a list of 14 different foods that are required to be correctly labelled and highlighted as being allergens. This list is made up of:
Cereals which contain gluten
Crustaceans (such as prawns, crabs or lobsters)
Lupin (a legume, which belongs to the same family of plants as peanuts)
Molluscs (such as mussels or oysters)
Tree nuts (such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios or macadamia nuts)
Sesame seeds
Sulphur dioxide and sulphites (if the levels are above a certain amount)
Yes. Put simply, even small back street establishments such as fast -food takeaways, must comply with the regulations. More often than not, there will simply be signs which direct the customer to ask a member of staff if they need further guidance on allergens, and there is a growing requirement for all shop staff, restaurant employees, and those who work in fast-food takeaways to have the requisite training to advise consumers of the potential risk of injury, due to any food allergens.
To keep anyone suffering from food allergies safe from personal injury, it is imperative that all members of staff have full training, as well as an understanding of allergenic ingredients which have been used in the food and the consequences these can have for allergy sufferers.
If you are eating out, in a restaurant or café, make it clear to staff that you suffer from food allergies from the off-set. You should ask questions of staff members, such as if they have received training about dealing with food allergies. You can also ask about how the establishment deals with issues such as cross-contamination, or ask to speak to the chef or manager about the options available to you as an allergy sufferer.
In order to minimise the risk of personal injury from a food -based allergy, you should ask to read the allergen information yourself, and not simply rely on a member of staff to relay this information to you.
MG Legal’s solicitors that deal with food allergy claims, often deal with cases where our clients have done everything they can to make the establishment aware of their allergies, but are unfortunate enough to suffer an allergic reaction due to a food allergy, resulting from the negligence of the restaurant or other eating establishment. If this happens, and you, or one of your friends of family suffers an allergic reaction to the food in a restaurant, contact MG Legal’s team of expert personal injury solicitors, as soon as you are able. Our solicitors specialising in food allergy personal injury claims accept food allergy claims, on a NO WIN NO FEE basis, with no financial risk to you, our client.
Fortunately, not all food allergies lead to death. However, in one sad case a Manchester University Student, who was only aged 18, had visited Almost Famous in Manchester, where they explained their allergies to a staff member. They accordingly chose something they believed to be safe for them to eat. Tragically, the student later died following an allergic reaction to the food.
Following an inquest, it was ruled that the student had done everything they could to avoid triggering their allergies, as well as ensuring they had covered themselves in case their allergies were triggered, by carrying an Epi-Pen and inhaler. The restaurant, however, was found to have mis-communicated on several occasions, with the student’s order, and special requirements, going missing in the restaurant’ kitchen, which led to the student’s food being marinated in buttermilk, and the student’s allergies being triggered. In this instance negligence is clear to be seen, as are the horrendous effects that restaurants not listening to customers’ food requirements can have on our families.
The consequences of a restaurant not paying attention to a customer’s food allergies are again illustrated quite clearly in the following case. An Indian restaurant owner with a “cavalier attitude” was imprisoned for six years for the manslaughter of a customer with a peanut allergy, after he supplied him with a curry containing peanuts.
Mr Wilson, was meticulous about his condition and asked for no nuts when staff at the Indian Garden, Easingwold, North Yorkshire, cooked his chicken tikka masala takeaway in January 2014.
When the restaurant failed to provide a nut-free curry, causing Mr Wilson to die as a result, police and trading standards launched an investigation following Wilson’s death. Groundnut powder was found in the kitchen of the Indian Garden and had contaminated other ingredients. A test purchaser went to the Indian Garden the day after Wilson’s death and was assured by a staff member that they could buy a nut-free curry.
Why choose MG Legal for my claim for my food allergy compensation claim?
MG Legal will only instruct the services of the best medical practitioners, whatever their field of expertise. At MG Legal, your claim for food allergy compensation is as important to us, as it is to you, and we want to get you the most compensation possible.
Our solicitors accept all medical negligence compensation claims on a NO WIN NO FEE basis, and have a success rate in excess of 99% for all personal injury and claims for medical negligence, that we accept. Our solicitors specialising in medical negligence claims demonstrate our own confidence in our ability by offering the NO WIN NO FEE agreement to all clients, as if we do not win, we do not get paid for our work; so, you can rest assured that we will do all that is within our power to settle your claim successfully.
To speak to an expert injury compensation claim solicitor about your allergy related food claim, use our online enquiry form, email us to or telephone your local office.
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