MG Legal, Nationwide Personal Injury Solicitors. The team that put you first. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation: 01772 783314 or email at:
Suffered an injury in the last 3 years? Call 01772 783314 Or, fill in your details and our personal injury solicitors will contact you within one working hour.
No Win, No Fee Injury Claims.
100% No Win No Fee Claims. Pay nothing if you lose.
When you work with MG Legal's personal injury solicitors, you get:

Free, no-obligation consultation with a specialist solicitor

The maximum financial compensation in your injury claim

A designated solicitor with up to 30 years of experience
We understand that when you're injured, it can be a costly enough time without worrying about who will be paying for your claim. Well, at MG Legal, we accept all personal injury claims on a "No Win, No Fee" basis with the use of our Conditional Fee Agreements. But, what is a Conditional Fee Agreement, and how does this affect you?
Our team of Personal Injury Solicitors have answered some FAQs, which you can read below, or you can contact us for a chat about your claim.
Conditional Fee Agreements
A Conditional Fee Agreement is a written document, like a Terms of Business, which formalise the "No Win, No Fee" agreement between yourself and our Personal Injury Solicitors, who will deal with your Personal Injury Compensation claim.
The document sets out that you will not have to pay any legal fees, should your claim be unsuccessful, giving you, as the claimant, peace of mind that you will not be landed with a legal bill at the end of your case.
Conditional Fee Agreements were introduced in 1998, to help achieve access to legal representation for everybody, regardless of their background or ability to afford legal fees. In the case that you win your injury compensation claim, your personal injury solicitors are legally only allowed to charge you up to 25% of your compensation as a success fee.
Our team of Personal Injury Solicitors like to give our clients complete peace of mind up front; we deal with all of our Personal Injury claims on a "No Win, No Fee" agreement, which will be formalised in a Conditional Fee Agreement.
These claims include:
Road Traffic Accidents (as a driver, a pedestrian, a cyclists, or any other road user)
Accidents at Work
Slips, trips or falls (in the street, or in a shop, or wherever else you have been unfortunate enough to be injured)
Medical Negligence at the hands of a Doctor or Surgeon
Aviation Accident Claims
Injury on holiday
Our team will provide you with a copy of the Agreement once we have confirmed that we can take on your matter. We will ask you to sign a copy of the agreement and return the same to us before we can formally start work on your behalf.
Our team of solicitors are based in Lancaster and Preston (with an office in both Garstang and Longridge), and we offer home visits wherever our clients are struggling to attend upon the office. If you're out of the area, don't worry - we have dealt with compensation claims for clients all over the country, from Lancaster to Carlisle, all the way down to London and beyond.
In the event that your claim is successful our base costs and reasonable disbursements will be recovered from the fault party but our success fee will be recovered from you and deducted from your damages.
Our success fee is calculated at 100% of our legal fees but capped at 25% of your total damages, therefore even if our legal fees were in excess of your damages (any monies recovered through our offices) we can only deduct 25% of your damages and no more.
In the event that you are unsuccessful, though no fault of your own, we will waive our fees.
The terms and conditions of your funding agreement mean that should you give false or inconsistent instruction, fail to correspond with our offices, or decide that you no longer wish to pursue your claim when you still have reasonable prospects of bringing a successful claim, then you will be liable for our professional fees and any disbursements incurred on your behalf.
Other circumstances and disbursements:
You may be liable for disbursements, such as court fees, counsel fees, medical report fees or engineer’s fees in the event that you fail to attend prior arranged appointments or hearings or if you instruct our office to instruct an expert that is irrelevant or unconducive to the progress of your case.
Mark Gregory, principal solicitor, qualified in 2007, and has over 20 years dealing with personal injury and cases relating to medical negligence. Mr Gregory is allowed to charge £255.00 per hour for his work, but accepts all personal injury and medical negligence claims, subject to a No Win No Fee agreement, where costs are often fixed, with the successful Claimant paying no more than 25% of the damages they receive, in legal costs.
You can contact our team of solicitors in Lancaster on 01524 581 306, or our team of solicitors in Preston on 01772 783 314. If you're more of a face-to-face kind of person, pop into your local office, or if you would rather get in contact our team of personal injury solicitors out of hours, contact us here.
Why choose MG Legal for your Injury Compensation claim?

No Win, No Fee Guarantee.

We are the experts.

Free, no obligation advice.

Success rate of over 99%.
MG Legal offer the best, local, expert personal injury claims advice and are experts in No Win No Fee Injury Claims. When you contact the No Win No Fee solicitors at MG Legal, you can rest assured you are in safe hands. Our personal injury solicitors have over 40 years’ combined knowledge of dealing with every type of personal injury claim- from road traffic accidents, to catastrophic head, neck and spinal injuries.
MG Legal’s no win no fee solicitors are unique in that we do not deal with claims management companies or pay for an intermediary to pass on no win no fee work- our clients come to us after reading our amazing reviews, or from word of mouth. Would you actually want to work with a no win no fee solicitor that had bought your claim?
MG Legal do not pay or receive any referral fees or offer legal aid
No Win No Fee Injury Compensation Claims on Conditional Fee Agreements Across England and Wales:
No matter where you are injured across England and Wales, MG Legal's Personal Injury Solicitors are here to help you to achieve the financial compensation that you deserve.
For a free, no-obligation consultation with a personal injury solicitor, contact us online here or give us a call on 01772 783314

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No Win No Fee Claims

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