MG Legal, Nationwide Egg Allergy Claim Solicitors. The team that puts you first. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation: 01772 783314 or email at:
Suffered an egg allergy reaction, in the last 3 years? Call 01772 783314 Or, fill in your details and our personal injury solicitors will contact you within one working hour.
No Win No Fee Egg Allergy Claims.
If you have suffered an egg allergy reaction, through no fault of your own, our expert egg allergy compensation solicitors, who work on a no win no fee basis, can help. Egg allergy compensation claims will cover all your financial losses, which were reasonably incurred due to your egg allergic reaction. You can also receive compensation for your injuries suffered and medical expenses incurred as a result of being sold egg-containing food.
Our straight-forward no win no fee egg allergy compensation claims process:

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MG Legal's specialist solicitors offer a free, no obligation consultation to all potential clients.

Start your no win no fee claim
We accept all claims on a no win no fee basis, and will begin building your claim the same day.

Hassle-free claims process
Your designated solicitor will be in regular contact, and keep you updated throughout the claims process.
Egg Allergy – The Facts
Eggs are one of the most common foods to trigger allergic symptoms in babies and young children. Most children with an egg allergy will start to outgrow it by the time they go to school but in some it will persist into later childhood or in rare cases, adulthood. Egg allergy can occasionally develop in adult life.
Reactions to egg are usually triggered by the protein part of the egg (mainly in the egg white). Babies who have eczema are at an increased likelihood of developing an egg allergy. Having another type of food allergy for example to cow’s milk or a family history of allergy (atopy) also increases the risk.
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No Win, No Fee egg allergy compensation claim specialists, assisting across England and Wales.

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What are the symptoms of an egg allergy?
Allergic reactions to eggs can be mild, moderate or severe, commonly known as anaphylaxis. There are certain things that affect how severe an allergic reaction may be, including the amount of egg eaten, and how well the egg was cooked.
The egg does not have to be eaten to cause an allergic reaction. Coming into contact with eggshells or touching (raw) egg can cause allergic symptoms for some people, usually affecting the skin in highly sensitive individuals.
Most reactions to eggs are mild and symptoms are seen soon after eating eggs or foods containing eggs. Babies will often show reluctance or refuse to eat the egg. If an egg comes into contact with the skin around the mouth it can cause a local reaction, which is seen as a rash and may include redness and raised red bumps, called hives.
Other allergic symptoms affecting the skin include swelling to the lips, eyes, and face. The stomach may also be affected, and vomiting is common, as well as stomach ache or cramps, and loose stools (diarrhoea). Egg allergy can also cause eczema flares.

Severe (anaphylaxis) allergic reactions to eggs are less common but possible, and affect breathing. They may be seen as a cough, noisy breathing (wheezing), and circulation which results in them becoming pale and floppy. Babies and small children, or older children and adults, who feel dizzy may lose consciousness. Severe allergic reactions are a medical emergency, and an ambulance should be called immediately. More information on anaphylaxis can be found in the following fact sheet, available on Anaphylaxis and Severe allergic reactions.
Egg-containing foods; click on the type of egg below for examples.
Biscuits, e.g. Jaffa cakes, sponge fingers, Sponge fingers
Plain cakes
Dried egg pasta
Prepared meat dishes and sausages containing egg
Egg glaze on pastry (for example sausage rolls)
Quorn or similar microprotein products
Gravy granules (if they contain egg)
Shop-bought pre-cooked frozen Yorkshire puddings
Manufactured meringues (without ‘sticky buts’ in the middle
Manufactured (shop-bought) pancakes and Scotch pancakes
Dried egg noodles, well-cooked fresh egg pasta (If cooked for 10 minutes)
Homemade meringues
Lemon curd
Quiche / flan / Spanish tortilla
Scrambled egg
Boiled egg
Fried egg, Egg fried rice
Poached egg
Egg in homemade batter, eg chicken dipped in egg and breadcrumbs mix
Homemade products where an egg is used to make breadcrumbs to stick to fish/chicken etc.
Hollandaise sauce
Egg custard, Crème Brulèe, Crème caramel
Homemade pancakes and some Yorkshire pudding – especially those that contain any ‘sticky’ batter inside
Bread & butter pudding
Fresh egg pasta (when cooked for less than 10 minutes)
Tempura batter
Fresh/homemade Mousse
Some ice creams, especially fresh and deluxe types
Some sorbets
Royal icing (both fresh & powdered royal icing sugar)
Horseradish sauce
Raw egg in cake mix and other dishes awaiting cooking (Children of all ages can’t resist tasting them!)
Some cheeses if they contain egg white lysozyme or other egg proteins
Salad cream
“Frico” edam cheese or other cheeses that contain egg white lysozyme
Chocolate bars containing egg in their filling e.g. Nougat, Milky Way and Mars Bar, Snickers, Chewitts sweets
Some soft-centred chocolates
Most types of prawn crackers
These are only a guide. Please check the ingredients to ensure that you are not excluding foods or unnecessarily not eating foods that contain eggs by mistake.
Having an egg allergy (hen’s eggs) is likely to mean that you are very likely to be allergic to eggs from other birds, like duck, goose, and Quail, so will potentially also need to avoid these too. Egg allergy is different to being allergic to chicken, so children who have an egg allergy do not usually have a problem with eating chicken.
It is easy to avoid eggs that are served on their own when they look like an egg, however, they are often hidden in prepared and manufactured foods, so beware.
Egg Allergy FAQs
Small amounts of egg protein may be passed through the mother’s milk during breastfeeding. If the infant has no symptoms the mother can continue eating eggs. However, if the infant has any gut or skin symptoms, such as eczema, they may benefit from the mother trialling excluding eggs from her diet. If there is no improvement in symptoms after 2 weeks, eggs can usually be reintroduced back into the mother’s diet, although you should seek expert medical advice in this respect before doing so.
Some people with an egg allergy can eat an egg that has been well cooked (for example egg as an ingredient in a cake) and will only develop allergic symptoms if they eat a loosely cooked egg (for example, scrambled egg) or raw egg (e.g. fresh mayonnaise or chocolate mousse). This is because the structure of the egg protein is changed by heat from cooking which makes it less likely to cause allergic symptoms. Around 80% of people with an egg allergy can tolerate a well-baked egg in a cake.
Therefore not all people with an egg allergy need to avoid all forms of egg and this should be decided on an individual basis. It will depend on the severity of previous allergic reactions and the results of allergy testing. Your GP or allergy specialist should provide information on whether all forms of egg need to be avoided. In those who are allergic to well-cooked eggs, the reactions may be severe and strict avoidance of all egg and egg-containing foods is necessary.
Where children have had mild to moderate reactions to eggs they may be asked to re-introduce eggs into the diet at home. Children who have had a severe reaction to eggs in the past should not be given eggs at home in any form until advised by a health professional – and then this is usually only done in the hospital under supervision as a well-baked egg challenge test where staff are trained to recognise and treat symptoms of an allergic reaction should it occur.
In the European Union (EU) ingredient lists on food labels must clearly emphasise (for example in bold or highlighted) whether they contain any of the 14 most common allergens. One of these 14 foods that must be labelled is egg.
Outside of the EU food labelling laws will be different it is important to check ingredients carefully, especially where food has been imported from outside of the EU or when eating out whilst on holiday.
Example of a food label:
INGREDIENTS: Rapeseed Oil (78%), Water, Pasteurised Free Range Egg & Egg Yolk (7.9%), Spirit Vinegar, Salt, Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Antioxidant (Calcium Disodium EDTA), Flavourings, Paprika Extract.
If you suspect that you or your child may have an egg allergy, it is important to discuss this with a health professional. This will normally be your GP or Health visitor, who can offer further advice and recommend if allergy testing is needed.
Allergy testing for egg can be done by a blood test and/or a skin prick test. The availability of access to these tests will vary from and may require referral to an allergy specialist for the testing and further management. Sometimes a diagnosis is made on the clinical history alone.
The Influenza (flu) vaccine and the yellow fever vaccine are made by growing the vaccine in chicken eggs and small amounts of the protein can remain in the vaccine.
The flu vaccine is part of the UK immunisation schedule for babies over 6 months, adults over 65, and those considered to be at high risk, including those with asthma requiring continuous use of inhaled or oral steroid treatment (NICE Guidelines on seasonal influenza). Yellow fever is a travel vaccine given to those visiting high-risk areas, so it is only required if travelling overseas to high-risk areas.
Extra caution should be taken for those with a severe egg allergy that have required admission to intensive care for severe anaphylaxis to egg or have severe asthma or active wheezing or required recent oral steroids for their asthma -as it is possible to react to vaccines containing small amounts of egg protein (although this is very rare). In this case a referral to an allergy specialist for assessment on the risk versus benefit of receiving the flu vaccine to help decide whether the vaccine is needed and how and where the vaccine is to be given.
Where there has been a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of the flu vaccine or a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to any part of the vaccine other than (Ovalbumin) the vaccine should NOT be given.
The measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) can be safely given to all children with egg allergy even those that have had anaphylaxis. Sometimes it is developed on chick embryo cell cultures (not chicken egg) but is considered safe for egg-allergic children to have.
Recipes can be easily adapted using egg replacers or other ingredients such as apple sauce, chia seeds or bananas.
Vegan recipes are all egg free; invest in a vegan cookbook or get some recipes from the Vegan Society. Egg-free cookery books are widely available. Ask your dietitian for some egg-free recipes.
Here are 10 facts about egg allergies in the UK:

Common in Young Children
Egg allergy is frequent among babies and young children, often starting before the child is one year old.

Type of Food Allergy
Egg allergy occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies egg proteins as a threat, releasing chemicals like histamine, causing allergy symptoms.

Rapid Onset of Symptoms:
Symptoms of egg allergy typically appear quickly, within minutes of consuming the food. Mild to moderate symptoms can include a red raised rash, tingling in the mouth, swelling of lips/face/eyes, and stomach pain or vomiting.

Inhalation Sensitivity:
In very sensitive individuals, even inhaling the fumes of cooked eggs can trigger an allergic reaction.

Risk of Anaphylaxis:
Severe reactions, known as anaphylaxis, can involve difficulty breathing, changes in heart rhythm or blood pressure, and in extreme cases, a dramatic fall in blood pressure, which can be fatal.

Delayed Symptoms Possible:
Egg allergy can also cause delayed symptoms, appearing hours or days later, including worsening eczema, reflux, trouble swallowing, diarrhoea, constipation, and abdominal pain.

Diagnosis Process:
To diagnose egg allergy, a GP can refer to a specialist allergy clinic where tests like skin prick, blood tests, and food challenge tests may be conducted.

Prevalence Among Children:
In the UK, 1 in 20 children is estimated to develop an egg allergy.

Decreasing Prevalence with Age:
Egg allergy affects between 0.5-2.5% of young children, but most outgrow it by the age of six. In adults, the prevalence drops to about 2%.

General Prevalence of Food Allergies:
Food allergies, including egg allergy, have increased in prevalence, and it is estimated that 1 in 20 children develop an egg allergy.
How MG Legal Can Help with Egg Allergy Claims?
MG Legal's team of egg allergy compensation experts is well-versed in the legal landscape surrounding egg allergies. We settle egg allergy claims on a daily basis, ensuring that our clients receive the compensation they deserve.
Start your egg allergy compensation claim today
No Win, No Fee egg allergy compensation claim specialists, assisting across England and Wales.

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Contact MG Legal for your Egg Allergy Compensation Claim
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