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A mixture of electrical items, with an EPC rating in the background.
Introduced in 2007, the Energy Performance Certificate, also known as the EPC, is something that your property solicitors in Preston will be concerned with, whether you be buying or selling a property. 
The EPC, essentially, provides for how energy efficient a property is, how energy may be conserved at the property and includes an average spend amount for the household. The assessment of the same allows the property to be rated from A-G, in terms of how efficient it is. A for effort, A is, of course, the most efficient, with G being the least. More information on Energy Performance Certificates, and their importance, can be found in our Preston solicitors’ blog, here
For those of us that are more visual, here’s an example of what an EPC Certificate might look like, or you can find an example, here

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An example EPC image.
When selling a property, there is a legal obligation to obtain and supply an EPC to the buyer, as confirmation of the property’s current energy performance rating. When buying a property, this would always be requested by your conveyancing solicitor, for your information on the above items. 

How Important is the Energy Performance Certificate? 

As above, the EPC provides for important information about the property, in terms of its energy efficiency, however, the importance of the same may differ, household to household. 
The current rating of the property may be subject to change, for example, if the certificate is old the rating could well have changed over time. As the Certificates last for a period of ten years, this should be considered at the point of purchase. 
In addition, the rating may be subject to change, dependent on lifestyle. Whilst the current rating may be very appealing and efficient, the level of usage of facilities at the property by the new owner may also mean the rating could change. Again, this should be considered on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the anticipated changes, if any, at the property. 
The Certificate does, however, provide useful information in terms of efficiency and, if any such deficiencies are found, the same may be rectified, which could help you save money in the future. In addition, such deficiencies may only be set to worsen which could maker them more costly to remediate in the future. The moral of the story is to assess the EPC rating individually to your unique circumstances. 
One crucial point to remember is that the Certificate does not allow assessors to carry out invasive works to form a conclusion on the property rating. When purchasing a property, our solicitors in Preston would always recommend instructing the services of a chartered surveyor to carry out a full structural survey on the property. This would then allow for any significant issues with the property to be revealed and rectified before completion. 
As you can see, the Certificate is of use, however, question arises out of the significance of this use. Well, for one of MG Legal’s valued clients, this meant that the offer made on the property in question was considerably lower than originally anticipated, due to the rating of the property. This item will be of fluctuating levels of importance, buyer to buyer, however, when acting on your behalf, our Preston solicitors would always ensure that such certificate was in existence, and that our clients are satisfied with the same, before proceeding. 

How is COVID-19 Affecting the need for an EPC? 

In these exceptional times, there are question marks posed around a number of different aspects to the conveyancing process. Our service, however, not being one of them. You can rest assured that MG Legal’s property solicitors in Preston are still very much on hand to assist you smoothly through the process of your conveyance. 
What does this mean in terms of EPCs, you may ask. Well, the government have issued new guidance on the matter, which confirms that, as the same are an integral part of the selling and renting process, the requirement for Energy Performance Certificates is to remain. Assessors of the same are to be mindful of government advice in these times and know exactly what is expected of them. 
Andrew Parkin, chairman of Property Energy Professionals Association (PEPA) has commented: 
“We welcome the Government Advice on the production of EPCs in these difficult times and it is reassuring that the guidance PEPA had already provided for its members, and for Energy Assessors, dovetails with the Advice which has now been published”. 
Clarity is, therefore, being given sought and our Preston solicitors are here to update you on potential COVID-19 impacts on your conveyance. We will be following the matter closely, and keeping our clients in the loop, as always. In respect of Energy Performance Certificates, whilst the same are a requirement, we would stress that social distancing rules should, of course, still be adhered to. The same should, therefore, only be carried out if it is safe to do so. 
If you are selling or buying a property, and want more information on Energy Performance Certificates, or have any other conveyancing query, contact our solicitors in Preston today, at, where one of our expert team will be on hand to assist you. 
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