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When you are making an application for a Grant of Probate, the Probate Registry (the Court which deals with Probate matters) will require many documents to deal with your application. They are all essential to the process of the application, so that the Court can issue your Grant. 
If the person left a valid Will, the application for a Grant of Probate will be made to the Probate Registry with the following documents: 
Original Will and any codicils (additions to the Will) 
Two copies of the original Will along with two copies of any codicils 
The inheritance tax form or forms 
The original Will needs to be in the same condition that it was in when it was signed, or the Registry will require a full explanation of why the document’s condition has changed. 
The Will must not be un-bound when it is copied, including any staples or bindings. 
The inheritance tax forms which need to be completed will depend on the estate itself. For example, if the value of the estate is less than the inheritance tax threshold (currently £325,000.00 for one person), it will be an excepted estate, and the form IHT205 will be required. Likewise, if the estate is worth less than or equal to twice the excepted estate limit (£650,000.00, if the spouse has a spouse who has predeceased them leaving their nil rate band), then the same form will be required. 
If these conditions do not apply, as well as a few other exceptions that you can discuss with our team of probate solicitors in Preston, you may need to complete a variety of inheritance tax forms, which you can read more about, here. 
A yellow pen resting on a blue background; our Probate Solicitors in Preston can be contacted by completing the contact us form here.

Contact our Probate Solicitors in Preston 

As well as the above documents, our team of probate solicitors in Preston will ask you to read and sign a Statement of Truth, relating to the estate, which will set out the name of the deceased, and the value of the estate. 
You can deal with the process of applying for probate or letters of administration yourself online, however there are some advantages in instructing our expert team to deal with the application on your behalf: you will have the advantage of our expertise, knowledge and experience in dealing with and managing the probate process. 
To make the loss of your loved one easier and less stressful, contact our team, here, or email
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