MG Legal Solicitors 
Longridge: 01772 783314 Garstang: 01995 602129 Lancaster: 01524 581306 Lytham: 01253 202452  
SpaceX, one of the highly publicised companies owned by Elon Musk, famous for his Tesla cars, has been testing their new “escape capsule” technology for their latest rockets. SpaceX, who are now likely to be certified by NASA for a contract to carry astronauts to the International Space Station, had to perform this test to fulfil safety requirements. The “escape capsule” is a unit at the top of a rocket which, in the event of a malfunction in the rocket’s booster (propulsion) unit, will detach and fire rockets to escape the vicinity of the rocket and enable it to return to earth, clear of any explosion or other danger. The tests were particularly important following the explosion of one of SpaceX’s previous rockets and also with the tragic memory of the Challenger Space Shuttle still clear in people’s minds. 
This is a prime example of proper testing, planning and systems being put into place to protect the wellbeing of those being placed into that environment. The astronauts are, whilst accustomed to danger, still entitled to be afforded every reasonable safety measure that can be provided. 
Whilst the vast majority of us won’t be heading into space any time soon, this is an example of how safety in the workplace, or in public, should be managed. Whenever we set foot in our workplace, we are owed a duty of care by our employer not to place us in an unsafe or high-risk working environment without taking all viable safety precautions. This does not mean that an employer should make your workplace risk-free, but that any foreseeable risks should be minimised, whether by proper training, systems of inspection or reporting, providing Personal Protective Equipment or ensuring management or supervisory staff implement safety policies and do not give improper instruction to staff under their control. 

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The same is true of public places you might visit, whether on the streets, where the local authority must inspect and maintain the pathways, shops where spills and packaging must be cleaned and tidied promptly or sports or activity centres where equipment must be fit for purpose. 
MG Legal, your local accident claim solicitors, handle all types of personal injury claims arising from these environment. We accept instruction for claims arising from breaches of employer’s liability or from public liability, which, whilst might not be from astronauts, are often from those people who are most affected by personal injury. Personal injury can often lead to associated losses, such as lost earnings, medical expenses, care expenses and travel costs. MG Legal, your local accident claims solicitors, have many years of experience successfully pursing all types of case for our local clients. We look to accept all instructions on a Conditional Fee Agreement (no win, no fee agreement) to ensure that you have the access to legal representation and justice that you deserve. 
If you have been involved in any kind of incident where you have sustained personal injury, contact our offices at Garstang, Lancaster or Longridge by phone, email, web contact form or by dropping into any of the offices today for a swift, professional assessment of your case. 
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