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Social media seems to be the bugbear of many an employer but in the office, this tends to be because people are flicking through Facebook or Instagram instead of getting work done. 
However, Personal Injury Solicitors are seeing more and more cases of accidents on the farm which could have been avoided if people had been concentrating. So, does Social Media add to the danger? Loading cattle is hard enough without some one flicking through their phone instead of keeping an eye out for a cow doing an about turn. Machinery and messaging just don’t work and you can guarantee if you get stuck or tip a trailer over then you just know it will be all over snapchat before you have even climbed out of the cab! 

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At this time of year, many business owners begin to look to employ more people through the summer. It may be a good opportunity to look at implementing a Social Media Policy laying down guidelines to help to avoid injuries in the workplace. 
If you decide to implement a social media policy who may want to consider including the following: - 
- Why you have a Social Media Policy 
- The fact that the Policy covers everyone 
- What the policy covers; i.e posting on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, texting, all social media or internet posts 
- What will breach of the policy mean; i.e disciplinary action, dismissal or removal of posts 
- Who is responsible for the policy? 
- Operation of Machinery whilst using social media, make sure to include that operators should stop the engine and get out of the machinery even if they are giving directions to another driver 
- Make it clear that handheld devices should not be used whilst handling livestock 
- Ensure that you include something which states that employees should not be using handheld or personal devices whilst operating near plant or machinery with moving parts or tools. 
- Be clear that employees should protect the businesses reputation and use social media responsibly 
- Employees should also respect confidential information 
Most importantly stay safe out there because as much as MG Legal, Solicitors in Garstang, love to meet to new people; the sad reality is that we usually meet you if you have been seriously injured. 
MG Legal - Your Local Solicitors 
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