MG Legal Solicitors 
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The third Monday in January has, in the UK, been known as “Blue Monday” for many years now, but many people aren’t aware of its origins, which may surprise many to know is not actually based in properly researched scientific processes, but a desire for a travel agents to increase interest in a press release. Sky Travel, reportedly delivered a “substantially pre-written” press release to various academics, offering payment if they could provide some science behind the theory of the “most depressing day of the year”. Mr Arnall, a tutor at a further education centre attached to Cardiff University, accepted and devised a formula to explain why the third Monday in January was the “most depressing day of the year”, with the press release from Sky Travel being released on 24th January 2005, then the third Monday of January. Factors included seem to have some basis in logic, although the formula is considered to be pseudoscience and has no proper backing in terms of any research or studies to this day. Those things considered included; time since Christmas, time since New Year’s Resolutions, Debt, Salary and more vague figures such as “time packing” and “time spent sleeping”. 

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Ultimately, this was a publicity stunt to increase interest in a press release, but which appears to have stuck to some degree and many mental health practitioners believe it is an unhealthy and unhelpful one. However, as the equation used is not one that is actually applied in day-to-day medical practices, it cannot constitute medical negligence as it did not involve the treatment of a patient. 
We trust that, when we go to see medical practitioners, their care and advice will meet a certain standard and that it will be, to the best of the practitioners ability, good for us or at least, not harmful. The Court has set a standard by which practitioners are considered to be negligent and that was set in the case of Bolam v Frien Hospital Management in 1957, when the Court stated that treatment should reach the threshold set by a “responsible body of medical men skilled in that art”. In short, if a reasonable body of similarly qualified practitioners would have done the same thing, the treatment is not considered negligent. 
MG Legal, your local medical negligence solicitors, are highly experienced at identifying the difference between a poor standard of medical care and one that strays into the realm of negligence. Often, poor standard of care can leave you frustrated or annoyed, or your treatment delayed, but no injury or worsening of an injury, is suffered. More usually, with negligence, there is a mistake of such a degree that it causes either an injury, or a worsening of an injury, or a failure to diagnose or treat a condition that prolongs it or requires further treatment to resolve. 
If you have been to a doctor, hospital, clinic, dentist or received medical treatment, either via the NHS or Privately, which you believe has caused any of the above issues, or any other problems you believe might constitute an injury, please contact MG Legal, your local medical negligence solicitors, for a brief discussion where we will assess if we believe there was any potentially negligence treatment.  
All our investigations and work carried out are routinely covered under a Conditional Fee Agreement (no win, no fee agreement) to ensure that you are able to access our services. 
MG legal, your local medical negligence solicitors, deal with claims against NHS and private medical firms on a regular basis and we have extensive experience in all types of medical negligence claims. We have offices in Garstang, Lancaster and Longridge and so, if you have any queries regarding a medical negligence claim, please do not hesitate to call, email or drop in to one of the offices. 

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