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Recent news emerges of long-standing issues at the Shrewsbury and Teford Hospital NHS Trust, particularly in the Maternity Department. A culture at the hospital which was described as “toxic” was made public by a leaked report that details some terrible events over the years with countless parents left without their children and many more left with children who were disabled as a direct result of sub-standard care in the Unit. The current number of cases being investigated grew from 23 to over 270 with scope for further cases to be identified as time goes on. 

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This is, of course, a vital and most stressful time in anyone’s life and this is a particularly harrowing example of how medical care can fall well below an acceptable standard. However, no matter what age you are, or what your medical condition is, you are entitled to a certain standard of care when you approach the NHS, or any private health provider, for treatment. There is, sometimes, a fine line between poor service and negligence, the former can be distressing, frustrating and annoying but ultimately the standard of care is sufficient and the latter is where harm is done. 
It is sensible, of course, to seek legal advice on such matters and here at MG Legal, your local Medical Negligence solicitor in Garstang, we are experienced in identifying the aspects of negligence that given rise to harm. The standard of care was set in the 1957 case of Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee where it was decided that “if the doctor reaches the standard of a responsible body of medical opinion, he is not negligent”. 
So, quite clearly, it was decided that each practitioner must reach the standard of a reasonably competent body of similarly qualified practitioners. MG Legal, your local Medical Negligence solicitor in Garstang, know this test well and do our best to always provide a professional and considerate service to every client. When the standard of care falls below this threshold, injury can occur, leading to the right to make a claim for that injury. It is, sometimes, very difficult to establish the scale of the injury cause by the negligence as, usually, we need medical attention for an injury in the first place, this being known as “causation”, which again is why it is always advisable to seek expert legal advice to ensure this is properly identified so as to prevent prejudicing your medical negligence claim. MG Legal are highly experienced in handling these matters and we have successfully concluded many claims against a variety of NHS trusts, General Practitioners and Private Practitioners arising from a variety of attendances and injuries. 
So, whether you believe a hospital has failed to properly diagnose a broken bone, didn’t follow up on your operation properly or if your GP has failed to take your condition seriously enough, MG Legal, your local Medical Negligence solicitor in Garstang, will do everything we can to ensure that we do take you seriously and we do look into your care properly. We can’t rewind time, but we can bring the claim to the attention of the medical practitioner or practice, help make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to anyone else and obtain you an award to compensate for any injuries or out of pocket expenses sustained as a result of the negligence. 
So, if you believe you have been the victim of medical negligence, call MG Legal, your local Medical Negligence solicitor in Garstang, to discuss how we can act for you, on a Conditional Fee Agreement “no win, no fee” agreement. Please contact any of our offices in Garstang, Lancaster and Longridge to discuss your claim today. 

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