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It’s a taboo subject that many are afraid to talk about, but with more and more cases of British citizens having to travel to Sweden to end their life coming to light; it’s a subject that must be talked about. 
At MG Legal, your Local Wills and Probate Solicitors, we deal with many clients at the end of, or preparing for the end their life to help ensure that their final wishes are correctly recorded. 

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In 2015, headteacher Richard Shelly was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, a terminal illness that left him wheelchair bound and reliant on the care of others, his own independence cruelly stripped away from him. On the 06 September 2019, he planned to travel to Sweden’s world famous right to die client, Dignitas, to end his own life and to ensure he has a pain free peaceful death. He reports that he has to do this much sooner than he would like as he needs to be fit to fly, had he been able to use a clinic in the UK, he would have had more time to spend with his loved ones before peacefully slipping away on his own terms. 
You can read more about Mr Shelly, here

So, our Local Wills and Probate Solicitors want to know: why isn’t Right to Die supported in the UK? 

A number of bills have been presented to Government asking for Assisted Suicide to be made legal in the UK, allowing thousands of terminally ill people to be spared the pain and end their own life peaceful surround by the people they love. Unfortunately, these have been rejected due to lack of support, but why? Simply put people are scared. Scared of losing the people they love and scared of talking about death, which unfortunately, rich or poor, happens to us all. The option of travelling to Dignitas is not an option for all with the costs of the starting at £10,000.00, this including travelling there. Should the bill be passed allowing patients the right to make the decision as to when they end their life, then they would allowed to do so in a familiar and safe environment, occupied and supported by a professional, instead of travelling hundreds of miles to an unknown country. 
We all have our own thoughts and feeling on this matter, some are conflicted by religion, or their own personal beliefs, however if you or your loved one were in that position what would you do? Watch them suffer to have extra time with them, or allow them the right to die with dignity. 
We at MG Legal, your Preston Solicitors, are hopeful that one day, in the not so distant future, we will live in a world where the thoughts and feelings of a terminally patient are put first, where their own decisions matter. 
While unfortunately this is not something that is in place at the moment, should you wish to discuss making either a Will or a living Will or talk about Lasting Powers of Attorney, then please do not hesitate to contact our expert Wills and Probate Team on 01772 783314, who will be more than happy to help. Home visits are available, and our expert team of solicitors are friendly, approachable and offer honest, easy to understand advice. 
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