MG Legal Solicitors 
Longridge: 01772 783314 Garstang: 01995 602129 Lancaster: 01524 581306 Lytham: 01253 202452  
A sandy beach with blue flip flops and other beach-related items
The recent Coronavirus events have brought up a number of questions, one of which is just how to minimise the effects of infection spreading on those holidaying on cruise ships. This is, of course, currently fuelled by the Coronavirus story, but with cruise liners, a common method of both travel and holiday in themselves, a spotlight has been directed at the state of the cruise ships and just how high the risk of infection, of any type of illness, can be. 
Many experts believe that because you have a large variety of individuals from various destinations carrying various infections, mixing in a relatively confined space, there is likely to be a higher than average chance of infection being spread. People might not interact in enclosed spaces as they might in, say, an aircraft, but they share the same spaces including dining areas, swimming pools, spas and any onboard cinemas or other entertainment venues. 
Others believe that due to the rigorous hygiene practices on board, the spacious environment of modern cruise liners and having individual bedrooms, it is actually no more likely than an infection being spread or caught in any other environment. This, of course, applies to the passengers rather than the staff. Staff are often enclosed in the same, small spaces and will be likely to use the same eating facilities, toilet facilities and will sleep in close proximity also. 
As in any type of employment, staff are owed a duty of care by their employer to ensure that they are kept reasonably safe from injury, which includes illness. A duty is, of course, not absolute and life dictates that at points we will all suffer an injury that is nobody’s fault. Should you suffer an injury in the workplace, you may be entitled to make a claim against your employer for compensation for that injury, plus any other losses such as lost earnings during your time off or physiotherapy treatment to speed your recovery. 

Contact our Injury Compensation specialists 

An employer’s duty of care can consist of many aspects, such as ensuring that you have proper training, Personal Protective Equipment, adequate assistance in the form of tools, equipment or machinery to do your job and that your colleagues are competent to be working with you. MG Legal, your local accident at work solicitor, regularly brings successful claims for individuals who have been injured in the workplace. When you enter your place of work, you do so as an employee and you must, of course, take good care of yourself in the workplace, listen to training, read any handbook, wear any protective equipment provided and follow any instructions given to you. Should you do so and if you then suffer an injury, it is highly likely your employer has, in some way, failed you and you are entitled to make a claim against their Employer’s Liability insurance for compensation for your injury and loss. 
MG Legal, your local accident at work solicitor, help hundreds of employees each year make a successful claim for injuries in the workplace. Cases include those from falling from heights, injury due to improper training, inadequate instruction over how to carry out certain jobs and injury to to faulty machinery. 
Should you have sustained any injury in the workplace that you believe was not your fault, please contact MG Legal, your local accident at work solicitor, to discuss your case.  
We look to accept all instruction on the basis of a Conditional Fee Agreement (no win, no fee agreement) to ensure that you have access to full legal representation and we have offices in Lancaster, Garstang and Longridge. Should you wish to discuss a claim, please contact MG Legal by telephoning, emailing, using the web-contact form or by calling into one off the offices and speaking to one of the staff. 

Why choose MG Legal, No Win No Fee Solicitors? 

Clear, fixed-fees 

Fully-Qualified No Win No Fee Solicitors 

Tailored Service 

Multiple Office Locations 

Decades of Experience 

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