Road Traffic Accident Personal Injury Solicitors.
Along with pedestrians, cyclists, and those on horseback, motorcyclists are classed as vulnerable road users.
If you ride a motorbike, you and your 'bike are not as visible as other larger vehicles, and it is often the case that a 'bikers presence on the road may have been missed until it was too late, and a road traffic accident has occurred.
If you are a motorcyclist, and have sustained a personal injury as a result of the negligence of another road user, MG Legal specialise in motorbike accident claims, on a No Win No Fee basis, with no financial risk to you. Contact us today, for a no nonsense chat about how we can help you.

Why choose MG Legal?
MG Legal’s expert team of local personal injury solicitors have a success rate in excess of 99% for all of the Personal Injury cases we accept on a No Win No Fee basis. Our success rate speaks for itself, and our many happy clients are only too happy to recommend our services. Call your nearest office now, or email us at, and one of our personal injury specialists will be in touch within a working hour.
No Win No Fee accident compensation solicitors
MG Legal’s expert team of personal injury solicitors have a success rate in excess of 99% and specialise in road traffic accidents, with many of our clients being injured motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Whilst accidents do happen, and we are all, well, most of us, insured against the same, motorcyclists are often the most injured of all road users. The fact is, motorcycles move a lot faster than a bicycle, and yet offer far less protection to their riders, should a road traffic accident happen.
At MG Legal, our road traffic accident department consists of a small, dedicated and very knowledgeable team of specialist personal injury solicitors, who know the Road Traffic Act, from 1961, to the most recent Road Traffic Act of 2016, like the back of their hand. Knowledge is, as they say, power. So, if you are a motorcyclist that has been injured in a road traffic accident, then MG Legal’s trusted personal injury experts can help you, and all on a No Win No Fee basis, with no messy legal jargon, and no upfront fees to pay.
Choose MG Legal for your road traffic accident personal injury claim, and you will be in very safe hands.
Have you been injured in the last three years?
Motorcyclist injured by a car door opening into their path.
What are the laws that protect cyclists and motorcyclists from car drivers opening car doors into their paths? Well,The Highway Code Rule 239 states that other road users must ensure they do not hit anyone when opening their door. Rule 239 of the Highway Code also states that it is safer for passengers (especially children) to get out on the side next to the kerb. A driver failing to comply with the Highway Code, is not, in itself, a criminal offence. However if you are a motorcyclist who has been injured as a result of another road user, or car driver opening the door of their vehicle into your path, then proving a breach of Rule 239 will certainly assist your claim for personal injury compensation. Failure to comply with the Highway Code is not a criminal offence in itself, but will assist any civil claim for compensation a 'biker or cyclist makes after a collision.
If a cyclist, or motorcyclist sustains a personal injury as a result of a car door being opened into their path then, if it is proven to be the fault of the other driver, then you will be able to claim for any loss or injury sustained in that accident. MG Legal’s motorcycle accident solicitors would pursue your claim for damages against the driver's insurance, even where it was the car passenger who caused the accident.
In addition to using Rule 239 of the Highway Code in order to make sure our injured motorcyclist clients win an award for their personal injury compensation, MG Legal’s expert road traffic accident personal injury solicitors have also used Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act makes it an offence to open any door of a vehicle on a road so as to injure or endanger any person. Any breach of Section 42 is punishable by a fine, of up to £1,000. This is separate to any personal injury compensation claim, so does not stop our personal injury solicitors pursuing your claim for compensation, on a No Win No Fee basis, with no financial risk to you.
How long do I have to make a claim for personal injury?
Usually, if you are injured in a road traffic accident, then you have three years from the date of the collision within which to pursue a claim for personal injury. The three year time limit is Subject to the Limitation Act 1980, but as with most things, there are exceptions, so, if you were under 18 years old at time of your road traffic accident, then you have three years from your 18th birthday within which to make a personal injury claim. Time limits may also differ if you are acting on behalf of someone with limited mental capacity, if you are acting as guardian or subject a lasting power of attorney. If you have any questions or queries, then please do not hesitate to contact one of MG Legal’s personal injury experts, here…
How much personal injury compensation will I receive?
When you instruct MG Legal’s personal injury experts, we will listen to you tell us how the accident happened, understand the situation fully, and then advise you, based upon how injured you are, how much we estimate your claim for personal injury compensation to be worth. We will of course be in a better position to fully advise how much your claim is worth, once one of our medical experts has prepared a detailed report on your injuries.
Depending on the nature and extent of your injuries, and indeed, which part of you was injured, then we will instruct either a general practitioner, orthopaedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, maxilla-facial surgeon, and, for our injured clients who have suffered psychological injuries, a consultant psychologist to prepare a detailed report on your personal injuries. It is our goal to ensure that our injured clients obtain the most amount of compensation possible; it makes good business sense, and we, time after time, have a succession of very happy clients.
Injuries arising out of a road traffic accident range from whiplash, to broken bones, or even more serious injuries to the head, spine and back, and so the compensation amounts differ massively. Some of the figures are given below, but if you want to discuss any element of compensation further, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with our road traffic compensation experts.
Who pays my legal fees if I am injured in a road traffic accident?
If you have been injured in a car or motorcycle accident, and the accident was not your fault, and the accident was in the last 3 years, MG Legal’s personal injury claims solicitors will help you bring a claim for compensation, on a no win no fee basis. Our experts believe that if the injury is not your fault, then you shouldn’t have to pay upfront costs to have access to justice. At MG Legal, our personal injury department consists of a small, dedicated team of solicitors, all of whom specialise in personal injury; from road traffic accidents, to medical negligence- each solicitor has their speciality, and we believe the advice and assistance we offer our injured clients, is the best available.
What are the most common injuries sustained by cyclists and motorcyclists?
In 2018, 99 pedal cyclists were killed, 4,106 seriously injured and 13,345 slightly injured in Great Britain. Although car occupants account for the greatest number of casualties each year, this is unsurprising as cars account for 80% of traffic on Britain's roads.
Some of the awards MG Legal’s road traffic accident experts have obtained for our clients are as follows: All compensatory awards are given by the 15th Edition of the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines.
Knee Injuries - where the personal injury involves dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus, resulting in a disability to the injured person, including, instability, wasting, and weakness, compensation, for the personal injury aspect of your compensation claim, not including lost earnings, care costs, or damage to your cycle, or motorcycle, ranges from £13,920 to £24,580.
Head injuries, ranging from fatal skull fractures and brain damage to minor concussion and cuts, are very common injuries to cyclists, and motorcyclists. Recent hospital data, from 2019, shows that over 40% of cyclists, and 45% of child cyclists, suffer head injuries, when they are involved in a road traffic accident. The numbers of motorcyclists injured is similar to that of cyclists
For less severe head injuries where the injured cyclist or motorcyclist will have made a good recovery, enabling them to partake in normal family and work life, but some injury may remain, the same resulting in poor concentration, which could interfere with lifestyle leisure activities, compensatory awards range from £14,380 to £40,410.
Please note that the awards stated are for the personal injury element of your claim for personal injury, only, and if you have sustained any lost earnings, or it is noted that you will suffer lost earnings in future, this could dramatically increase your award for personal injury. Any award for lost earnings, care, medical treatment, and damage to your cycle of motorbike, are called special damages, and are calculated separately to your claim for personal injury.
Why choose MG Legal for my 'biker accident compensation claim?
MG Legal’s team of personal injury solicitors take great pride in obtaining our injured clients the most possible personal injury compensation. You didn’t ask to be injured when out on your 'bike, and if you have been, you need the best personal injury solicitors in your corner, with a dedicated team that will help you get your life back on track. At MG Legal, each solicitor takes a personal interest in each case, and we have a dedicated department dealing with personal injury claims occurring from road traffic accidents, involving motorcyclists, and other road users. Since we opened in 2010, we have settled thousands of motorbike accident claims, and won many millions of pounds in personal injury compensation, for our injured clients.
At MG Legal, we believe that our confidence in our own ability is demonstrated by the fact that every personal injury claim we accept is on the basis of a Conditional Fee Agreement, also known as a No Win No Fee agreement, which means that if we do not succeed for our client, we do not get paid for our work.
Read our reviews, browse our website, and make your own mind up. If you have been injured in a road traffic accident, and you are unhappy with your current choice of solicitor, then please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated personal injury team- we accept files from previous solicitors, and will give you the full, dedicated attention you deserve.
Get in touch today to start your claim for personal injury compensation
MG Legal accept all Personal Injury Compensation claims on a "No Win, No Fee" basis and have a success rate of over 99%