MG Legal, Nationwide Medical Negligence Solicitors. The team that put you first. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation: 01772 783314 or email at:
NO WIN NO FEE blood transfusion compensation claims.
100% No Win No Fee Claims.
- Pay nothing if you lose.
When you work with MG Legal's medical negligence solicitors, you get:

Free, no-obligation consultation with a specialist solicitor

The maximum financial compensation in your blood transfusion compensation claim

A designated solicitor with up to 30 years of experience
Suffered medical negligence in the last 3 years? Call 01772 783314 or Apply Online: Or, fill in your details and our personal injury solicitors in Preston will contact you within one working hour.
No Win No Fee Compensation:
MG Legal's leading medical negligence solicitors accept all blood transfusion compensation claims on a "No Win, No Fee" basis, and have a success rate of over 99%.
Our team put your first, and work with care to achieve your financial compensation. Call us today on a free, no-obligation basis at: 01772 783314

Get in touch today to speak to a No Win No Fee Solicitor.
What is a blood transfusion compensation claim?
Blood transfusions are important medical procedures that allow blood from a donor to be given to another patient, in order to recover lost blood during surgery, treat liver disease, severe jaundice, or a number of other health conditions. While thousands of blood transfusions are carried out up and down the country every day, there are still risks involved with the procedure.
Some of the mistakes that can be made during a blood transfusion that can lead to a blood transfusion compensation claim, include:
Patients being given the wrong blood type
Patients being unnecessarily given a blood transfusion
No consent being taken before a blood transfusion is carried out
Patient contracting HIV, Hepatitis A, B, or C after a blood transfusion
All of the above mistakes are examples of situations where a blood transfusion compensation claim can be made by the patient and their family.
Contaminated blood transfusion claims:
When patients go in for a blood transfusion, the chances are that it would never even cross their mind that they may not be given clean blood. However, in some cases, patients can actually develop blood diseases after having a blood transfusion.
If you have undergone a blood transfusion, and have gone on to develop a blood infection of any kind, there is a chance that you could have been infected as part of the blood transfusion process.
If this is the case, then you could make a no win no fee blood transfusion compensation claim with our specialist solicitors today. Simply contact us online here for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Our straight-forward no win no fee claims process:

Free, no obligation consultation
MG Legal's specialist solicitors offer a free, no obligation consultation to all potential clients.

Start your no win no fee claim
We accept all claims on a no win no fee basis, and will begin building your claim the same day.

Hassle-free claims process
Your designated solicitor will be in regular contact, and keep you updated throughout the claims process.
Contaminated blood scandal:
The transmission of blood infections through blood transfusions has been largely discussed in the media, after it happened on a large scale in the 1970s and 1980s in the United Kingdom, when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia , became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, as a result of receiving contaminated clotting factor products supplied by the National Health Service.
As of October 2017, there were at least 1,246 confirmed deaths in the UK of people who were killed by the use of contaminated factor VIII and factor IX clotting agents and the viruses they transmitted. Some have estimated that the total number of those who have died could be as high as 2,400 though exact figures are not known.
The patients affected were suffering from haemophilia and other bleeding disorders, as well as those who were given a blood transfusion after an operation or childbirth. When the factor VIII blood clotting treatment was imported from America, it was largely taken from prison inmates and drug-users who sold their blood for money. This meant that a large number of the supplies were, unfortunately, unbeknown to the NHS, infected with blood infections, such as HIV.
How do I prove medical negligence in a blood transfusion compensation claim?
For any medical negligence claim to succeed, including a blood transfusion compensation claim, there must be an act of negligence or a breach of a duty of care involved. It can sometimes be difficult to judge when the line into negligence has been crossed, or if the treatment you have received is just of a poor standard; but with a blood transfusion claim this can sometimes be easier, because if you contracted an illness from infected blood, then the medical practitioner or NHS Trust, has obviously acted negligently,
With any kind of medical negligence claim, there are essentially two things that you are trying to claim:
That your doctor or medical professional owed you a duty of care, and that this duty of care was breached.
That this breach, in this relating to your blood transfusion, led to a new medical condition or worsening of your medical condition.
If you are looking to make a blood transfusion compensation claim for financial compensation, and are wondering if your claim would be provable, simply contact our no win no fee medical negligence solicitors online here and have a free, no-obligation consultation with a solicitor within one working hour.
Why choose MG Legal:

No Win No Fee Guarantee.

We are the experts.

Free, no obligation advice.

Success rate of over 99%.
Will I need to go to court for my blood transfusion compensation claim?
Our medical negligence solicitors know that many people think of daunting court cases when they think of making a medical negligence claim for compensation. But you can rest assured that when you work with MG Legal, this is usually never the case.
Here at MG Legal, our medical negligence solicitors are able to settle the majority of our claims out of court, or before court proceedings can begin. This is the case for around 95% of the cases that our medical negligence solicitors have taken on.
Make a no win no fee blood transfusion compensation claim with MG Legal:
Here at MG Legal, our team of medical negligence solicitors have over 30 years’ experience in all aspects medical negligence claims, and in that time we have built up an unmatched success rate, and settled more than 99% of our medical negligence claims, successfully.
If you have suffered from medical negligence because of your blood transfusion, simply get in touch with our medical negligence solicitors, here, for a free, no- obligation chat about your potential claim. Or email us today at and hear back from a specialist solicitor the same working day.
How to make a blood transfusion compensation claim:
If you believe that you have suffered medical negligence during a blood transfusion, and are wanting to make a blood transfusion compensation claim, the first step is to get in touch with a medical negligence solicitor, such as MG Legal, and find out whether you have a claim. After discussing your potential claim, your medical negligence solicitor will then advise you as to the first steps that need to be taken to build your NO WIN NO FEE blood transfusion compensation claim.
Is there a time limit on making a blood transfusion compensation claim?
All medical negligence claims are subject to the 1980 Limitation Act. This legislation states that patients have three years from the date of the medical negligence, or from the date they found out that the treatment was negligent, in order to file a medical negligence claim for financial compensation. So, when a patient has only become aware of the act of medical negligence at a later date, they would instead have three years from this ‘date of knowledge’ within which to make a blood transfusion compensation claim.
These time limits differ for minors, in that the three-year time period instead only begins on the date of their eighteenth birthday within which to make a claim. Despite the three-year time limit seeming like a long time to many, our medical negligence solicitors always advise our clients to contact our no win no fee solicitors as soon as possible, in order to begin their medical negligence claim for blood transfusion negligence. It can take a couple of months for the NHS to release medical notes to our no win no fee solicitors, and we need your notes before we can start our investigations into your claim for medical negligence compensation- so the sooner you get in touch, the better.
No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claims Across England and Wales:
No matter where you are injured across England and Wales, MG Legal's Medical Negligence Solicitors are here to help you to achieve the financial compensation that you deserve.
For a free, no-obligation consultation with a medical negligence solicitor, contact us online here. Or give us a call on 01772 783314

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